How much are alike?

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Did I take this seriously? Am I in a building filled with a bunch of strangers? Am I a serial arsonist? Does anyone actually read this? Well I'm here to answer all these questions... or am I?

Let's be real no one actually reads this, if you've read up to this point just get help man. SAMHSA's National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service.

Created by: tingles
  1. Do you avoid showering for several days, in most cases over a week? :-)
  2. Do you like reading?
  3. if you answered yes to the last question, then do you read multiple books at a time and switch through them because you get bored of reading just one thing?
  4. Do you have a preferred genre or have just one genre you stick to, or do you read anything from any genre as long as you find it interesting
  5. are you always tired (even when you get the sleep you need) every single day?
  6. Do you hate math
  7. Do you find history incredibly boring
  8. are you bad at math
  9. Do you cheat on everything (schoolwise)
  10. Are you single (and enjoy it)
  11. have you ever thought about killing anyone and going through with it in a scheme involving sleeping aids. (and probably get away with it).
  12. have you ever killed anyone?
  13. if you truthfully answered yes then you should probably turn yourself in right away you sick b------ sick sick sick
  14. have you drank coffee and had to s--- and piss so badly while drinking (which only made it worse) but you never used the bathrooms because you thought they were disgusting.
  15. do you enjoy coffee to an unhealthy extent?
  16. do you spontaneously take up a language and give up on it
  17. do you read yaoi
  18. do you like weird facts or interesting stuff about history. the tide bits and parts in between
  19. do you like anime?
  20. is your mbti personality type INTJ
  21. are you secretly addicted to Asmr
  22. do you generally dislike people in general or have a bad view of people
  23. have you ever thrown a fart bomb bag into the car of neighbor
  24. is you favorite movie fun with dick and Jane the one with Jim Carrey
  25. do like being alone and often disappear for hours at random places
  26. are generally nonchalant and indifferent
  27. do you like making fun of people and/or laughing at peoples failures
  28. do you like wearing hoodies and baggy pants, basic and plain clothes, to 'blend in with the crowd'
  29. do you burp a lot (with manners obviously)
  30. do you generally dislike animals, but still find them cute
  31. did you put ketchup packets underneath the toilet seat of rest station on a long road trip to a state to pick up your furniture and belongings.
  32. is your favorite actor Jim carrey
  33. do you enjoy a good comedy
  34. are you generally dead inside and find your friends and other people to be generally cringe, but you don't really judge them because you also don't really care
  35. are you bored easily? and do you get bored during conversations with people even your friends?

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