how much am I like Brady Farrar from dance moms season 8

This is just a fun little quiz! I love Brady Farrar from dance moms season 8 and I really hope you do too! Please no hate on this quiz!!! This is just a more or less guess of how much you're like him♥

Plz if you aren't happy with your results plz comment why you didn't like your result! The main thing with this quiz is to have fun! Enjoy your day!!!♥

Created by: dance moms season 8
  1. Are you kind and loving
  2. Do some people get jealous of you sometimes?
  3. Are you a good dancer?
  4. Do you like contemporary (dance style)
  5. Are you flexible?
  6. Do you live in America
  7. Are you a teenager
  8. Do you cry a lot
  9. Have you been in a competition?
  10. Did u like this quiz?

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