How much a spinosaurus you are?

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Isn't in real life, it is if you should be, a dinosaur, you can also test it on my first quiz also! Spinosaurus are fierce and strong! Maybe it can kill a t rex!

DO NOT TALK BAD THINGS ABOUT IT! enjoy my quiz but is not a EXCELLENT QUIZ but is a quiz. Idk what to talk... random words 5637563876363763768387367635365386356353

Created by: TheVolcanicdrago
  1. Do you win in fights easily?
  2. Do you already bited somebody?
  3. Do you know swim?
  4. Your size are big?
  5. You prefer meat?
  6. You have big claws/nails?
  7. You have short like arms?
  8. You are the strongest in the class?
  9. You are strong?
  10. Do you know roar?
  11. Are you angry/aggressive?

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