How much a like are you like my cat Puma?

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Ok, I was bored so I made this quiz, if you don't like it it's fine, I was bored sooo yeah, I hop you will enjoy my quiz.In here you will se how much are you a like my cat Puma.And yeah I hope the quiz is not boring.And that you will be happy. whit your results.

So I hope you will like my quiz, and be happy whit your results.I know this quiz is a bit silly, but lets give it a shot.And now so I won't be boring to you whit my bragging lets get into the quiz and find out!And I came back to edit my quiz because it has a really LOW word count but I don't know what else to type in, some times I create awesome quizzes, but some times they are soooo bad, so new finally let's get in to the quiz!

Created by: Hermiony
  1. What is your heir colour?
  2. What is your eye colour?
  3. Are you mischievous?
  4. How playful are you?
  5. Are you shy?
  6. On a scale of 1 to 8 how much time do you spend outside?
  7. Do you prefer to be awake..
  8. Do you like to just put your hands on your keyboard when it gets warm?
  9. Do you carry your food some were else and then eat it?
  10. Do you jump a lot?
  11. Are you stubborn?
  12. Do you some times think and act like you'r the boss, but you'r not the boss?
  13. Do you some times act silly while doing somthing that you like?
  14. Are you tall?
  15. Do you have a bright and colourful personality?
  16. How smart are you on a scale from 1 to 8?
  17. And finally.Are you some times way to clever for your self(don't know what to do whit your self) and others around you?
  18. Bye!

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Quiz topic: How much a like am I like my cat Puma?
