How much a like are you like my cat Puma?

Ok, I was bored so I made this quiz, if you don't like it it's fine, I was bored sooo yeah, I hop you will enjoy my quiz.In here you will se how much are you a like my cat Puma.And yeah I hope the quiz is not boring.And that you will be happy. whit your results.
So I hope you will like my quiz, and be happy whit your results.I know this quiz is a bit silly, but lets give it a shot.And now so I won't be boring to you whit my bragging lets get into the quiz and find out!And I came back to edit my quiz because it has a really LOW word count but I don't know what else to type in, some times I create awesome quizzes, but some times they are soooo bad, so new finally let's get in to the quiz!