How Miley Cyrus Are You?

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There are many people in the world, but not many people are like Miley Cyrus! This quiz was made to tell you how much you look and act like Miley Cyrus.

Are you a rare twin of Miley Cyrus? Probably not, but this quiz will tell you for sure! This quiz was designed to give you an accurate result on how much like Miley Cyrus you are!

Created by: Shimmers

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  1. What is your natural hair color?
  2. What is your current hair color?
  3. How long is your hair?
  4. What is your lip shape?
  5. What color are you eyes?
  6. What type of voice do you have?
  7. What is your body type?
  8. How tall are you?
  9. Do you like Miley Cyrus the way she is now or before better?
  10. What is your zodiac sign?
  11. How often do you stick your tongue out in pictures?
  12. Has anyone ever told you that you look like Miley Cyrus?
  13. How confident are you?
  14. Do you talk a lot?
  15. Are you attractive?
  16. What shape are your eyes?
  17. How big is your nose?
  18. Are you a true Miley Cyrus fan?

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Quiz topic: How Miley Cyrus am I?