how michael jackson are you?

this is a brain hard thinking know it all Michael Jackson quiz do you think you got the brains to do this very, very, very, very, vey, very, hard quiz!

this is a bio and quiz at the same time do you think you got the fingers for this hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, quiz!:) ! :) ! :) ! :) ! :) ! :) !

Created by: sarah
  1. what was Michael Jackson's full birth date?
  2. what was Michael Jackson's first official video by himself?
  3. what was Michael Jackson "the king__"
  4. why did Michael Jackson turn from a black to a white?
  5. what video did Michael Jackson turn into a rabbit?
  6. what year did Michael Jackson die?
  7. what video did Michael Jackson talk about a girl?
  8. which video did Michael Jackson do the 45degree lean?
  9. what Michael Jackson song is the setting in Egypt?
  10. which video did Michael Jackson turn into a skeleton and moon walked?

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Quiz topic: How michael jackson am I?