How messy are you

Some people are messy. Some people are neat freaks.u choose which category u wanna be in by being either extremely mess or extremely neat. Like i said,ur choice.

So are u messy or neat.lets see here by taking this short quiz. Hopefully u like it cuz this quiz ran up my battery.if u dont like it,WHY! If u do,THANK U!

Created by: Baba109

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does ur home have a weird smell
  2. When u see a few crumbs on the floor, u :
  3. When was the last time u cleaned up around the house
  4. Do like cleaning
  5. Do people sometimes call u a neat freak
  6. What do u do when u go to ur date's house and it's a mess
  7. Have u ever gotten evicted
  8. Do/did ur parents ever say ur room is a pig sty
  9. Do u think ur a hoarder
  10. (No effect) what did u think of the quiz
  11. Bye!

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Quiz topic: How messy am I