How mean or nice are you?

you will find out your answers I don't know what this for ha ha ha oh oh pup puppy do you know what a dinosaur is oh do you? Good thing you do cause we're watching ice age 3!

you will find out your answers I don't know what this for ha ha ha oh oh pup puppy do you know what a dinosaur is oh do you? Good thing you do cause we're watching ice age 3! ha

Created by: Rebecky
  1. You're in school/work, a nice girl comes up to you and says "hi!" What do you say?
  2. You're in a cafe, someone is walking past your table and accidentally spills their drink on your lap. They apologize and try to clear it up. You say:
  3. Your friend asks you if you can go to the shop and get her something, as she is taking care of her sick dog. You say:
  4. You are waiting in a very long line in a'll probably be waiting for a while. You:
  5. Okay these questions no longer have an effect
  6. same....
  7. Ok.....might as well will you rate my quiz? *If you say something mean on this one, don't worry I would too I hate these questions :p*
  8. Do you like animals?
  9. .
  10. .
  11. .
  12. ,
  13. '
  14. Hmm hmm la da....
  15. #
  16. \\
  17. b
  18. -

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Quiz topic: How mean or nice am I?