How Massachusetts are ya?

There are many self-proclaimed Bostanians but so few know the ins and outs of MA. Do you know where Dot is? Do you know what New England clam chowdah looks like?

Are YOU *really* a Ma--hole? Find out by taking my quiz for just a few moments. After the quiz, your results determine your patriotism to MA. GIVE IT UP TO BOSTON LADIES AND GENTS!!!!

Created by: 2phb

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What does "Wicked Pissa" mean?
  2. Can ya "pahk the cah in hahvahd yahd"?
  3. What's the worst thing you can evah do?
  4. Who is Whitey?
  5. Pop wants to get some tonic and chowdah in Dot.
  6. Who is 34 for the Seltz?
  7. Say, mum wants to get a frappe in Eastie. WHAT'S THE DIF BTWEEN A FRAPPE AND A MILKSHAKE?!
  8. This is a convo you might hear on The T: "Hahahya?" "Wikkid pissa" "Yiz get me sum flowahz" "Shuah" "Yo'r rehtahded" "You're bzah"
  9. Don't you know what the T is?
  10. Lastly *THIS EFFECTS YOUR ANSWER VERY BADLY* are you from boston?

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