How many spanks will you get?

Welcome, naughty children, to the land of physical correction! Here your bottoms will be warmed and you will feel shame for your naughty, naughty selves!

In this quiz you will discover exactly what punishment a naughty child like yourself deserve. There will be tears, wailing, and one very red bottom...

Created by: Umbridge
  1. You see something in a store that you want, but your parent won't get it for you. Now what?
  2. What grades do you get in school?
  3. Your parent tells you you're going to get a spanking. What do you do?
  4. What are you going to be spanked with?
  5. Are you afraid of the person spanking you?
  6. Do you swear?
  7. Do you do illegal things?
  8. How do you see other people your age?
  9. Have you had this coming for a long time?
  10. Will this make you a better person?
  11. Are you ready to find out how many spanks you will get?

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Quiz topic: How many spanks will I get?

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