How many soldiers can you command

They are many weak people but true leaders in the world and you might be one of them so if you are one of them you need to take charge of that general !! hahahahahaha

I hope you loved the quiz i hope you are taking charge of your life right now, and not being a whimp, thank God so, so see you guys in my next quiz my name is maxy hahahahaha

Created by: Maxy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does any of parents or relative work in the army
  2. Would you ever want to work in the army
  3. How many soldiers do you think you can command
  4. Are you strong or a whimp
  5. Do you Like this quiz so far {no effect}
  6. What is you favourite color
  7. Are you a boy or girl {no effect}
  8. Which are you
  9. Bye guys, see you next time one my quiz my name is "maxy'
  10. Did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: How many soldiers can I command