how many socks are you wearing?

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socks! what are they?....where did they come from??....what do they want from us??? you lie awake at night pondering these very questions?......

do they vex your brain during quiet times? do you have an overwhelming need to KNOW? well, find out here....or maybe not, with this informative quiz......

Created by: kitty reeve
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are your feet cold?
  2. are you drunk?
  3. do you own any socks?
  4. who is your hero?
  5. what are feet for?
  6. do you ever receive socks at Christmas?
  7. what should socks be like?
  8. who lives in your house?
  9. do socks have any other purpose?
  10. many feet do you have?

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Quiz topic: How many socks am I wearing?