how many reeces puffs can you fit in your gob

well, it's the age old question, reeces puffs. JUST. HOW. MANY!? well your not gunna find out just sitting there fatty! go to the shop and get a box!!

do you got what it takes to stuff your mouth with small brown cereal bits!? all you need to do is take this quiz and soon you will know the answer to this question.

Created by: 123456

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how big is your mouth?
  2. how wide can you make your mouth?
  3. how deep does your mouth go?
  4. have you ever tried to stuff your mouth with reeces puffs before, if so how many did you fit?
  5. have you ever eaten reece's puffs before?
  6. do you eat cereal often
  7. are you enjoying this quiz
  8. do you plan to take part in this challenge?
  9. do you think the west will fall to the eventual rise of communism
  10. and finally, corgy monkey p*ss. thoughts?

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Quiz topic: How many reeces puffs can I fit in my gob