How many of these famous historical people do you know? Pt2

This quiz is preceded by my foray into an autobiographical dictionary. In an attempt to revise the individuals in that book, I'm making these quizzes.

So.... below are 20 questions that ask about certain individuals and their experiences, pick the right name listed in the five options and you get a point. Simples :)

Created by: phoebepie
  1. Who ran a violent empire in Chicago known as the Chicago Outfit in the 1920s?
  2. Who is 'Roe' in Roe V Wade?
  3. Who founded the People's Republic of China?
  4. Who led the french army into victory at Orleans in 1429?
  5. Who, in 1900, became the first woman to win an Olympic gold medal?
  6. Which British Comic was forced to leave the US in 1952 and settle in Switzerland?
  7. Who ran The Medellin Cartel?
  8. Who invented the phonograph in 1877?
  9. Which famous author vanished on the 3rd of December 1926 only to turn up in a hotel 11 days later?
  10. Who, in 1875, was the first person to swim the english channel?
  11. Who, alongside Ritchie Valens and J.P. Richardson, died in a plane crash in Iowa, 1959?
  12. Who shot Andy Warhol?
  13. Who co-wrote 'We Are The World' with Lionel Richie?
  14. Who created the first movable-type printing press?
  15. Who developed the first technique for female-to-male gender-affirming surgery, presently called phalloplasty, in 1951?
  16. Which famous baseball centre-fielder did Marilyn Monroe marry in 1954?
  17. Which bookseller and newspaper publisher, in Dundee, publicly exhibited his invention of adhesive postal stamps in 1834?
  18. Who operated their serial killings in a 'Murder Castle'?
  19. Who performed the first open-heart surgery on a human in 1893?
  20. Who was noted as the 'leader of avant-garde' in US music , developing many of the idiosyncrasies of that style?

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Quiz topic: How many of these famous historical people do I know? Pt2
