How Many Kids Will You Have

This quiz is ti find out if you are going to have kids and if you are how many andit also says why you will have that many kids in your life ...

This quiz chooses how many or if you will have kids depening on your normal life ni don't be scared that this qui is really right !!!

Created by: sophie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you single
  2. Do you want kids?
  3. Do you go out clubbing?
  4. How many brothes do u have?
  5. How many sisters do you have?
  6. Do u live with you mum and dad still?
  7. Do u like kids
  8. How many bed rooms dose your house/flat have?
  9. Do u have a job?
  10. Do u have pets

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Quiz topic: How Many Kids will I Have