How many kids will you have?

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Want to know how many children you will have? Love children? Just take this quiz to figure it out! I know you will have fun taking the quiz! It will be a very easy quiz.

I know many of you don't read this, but oh well. I hope you get the number of kids you want! In a minute, you will figure out how many kids you will have!

Created by: BTS_ARMY
  1. When you see a big family with five or six kids, you...
  2. How much do you value your time spent alone?
  3. What is your opinion on an only child?
  4. Do you like cleaning the house?
  5. Can you say that you are good with kids?
  6. Where would you rather raise a family?
  7. What are your current priorities in life?
  8. Do you think kids are too expensive?
  9. How would you rate your patience? (1= non-existant and 5= very patient)
  10. How many kids would you like to have?
  11. Imagine, your 4-year-old refuses to go to bed and your baby is crying. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: How many kids will I have?

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