How many kids quiz

This is a quiz and I hope u can take some of my other ones and THIS is a quiz to tell u how many kids u should have in the future. This is the 1st paragraph.

This is the 2nd paragraph and a few more things: Are YOU ready to take this quiz? If u r, read the real and ON UR MARK,GET SET,START THE QUIZ AS SOON AS UFINISH!

Created by: Emily Madison Heath
  1. Have u ever been trusted babysitting anyone?
  2. What job do u want in the future?
  3. Dusk, Dawn, Or midday?
  4. What was ur favorite book when u were little?
  5. Do u like Harry Potter?
  6. Will u tell other people about this quiz?
  7. How well can u remember people's names?
  8. How well can u entertain?
  9. R u nice?
  10. Plz take other go to quizzes I like them

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