How Many Dishes can you match to Country?

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Lets see how much of a 'Genius" you are! Can you identify the countries that these dishes match? Most of the 'correct' countries are represented at our Annual Vegetarian International Food Fair!

So you're not doing anything right now right? So just take this quiz and find out how much of a 'Genius' you are! Then - once you get your score - Join us for this epic gastric event on May 4th at lunchtime!

Created by: Karen Whala

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Coffee originated from what country?
  2. Pupusa is from what country?
  3. Fish and Chips originated from what country?
  4. Paella is from what country?
  5. Bulgogi is from what country?
  6. Gazpacho is from what country?
  7. Sashimi is from what country?
  8. Borscht is from what country?
  9. Spanakopita is from what country?
  10. Jambalaya originated from what country?

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Quiz topic: How Many Dishes can I match to Country?