This quiz will guarantee you some amazing answers that will stick in your head for ever. This quiz will tell you and your friends how you live your very own life.

I really hope you enjoy this quiz because it took me a lot of time and effect to make it. I hope the quiz is right but if its wrong and your not happy with the results. I am really sorry.!!!!

Created by: Lily
  1. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 questions. Got it!How many siblings did you grow up with ?
  2. Do you like spending time by yourself ?
  3. Do you like your house to look perfect ?
  4. Do you like being around children
  5. Do you mind if children are sometimes naughty ?
  6. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 questions. Got it!Are you in a good furnace position ?
  7. Are you a very happy person ?
  8. Can you cope with a lot of noise ?
  9. Do you like driving ?
  10. Did you like this quiz ?

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Quiz topic: HOW MANY CHILDREN should I HAVE ?
