How manly are you?

There are many wimpy people but a few manly people play this quiz to see how manly you are do the quiz to see if you got want it takes come on get off your but and do the quiz.

Are you manly do you have the strength to qualify in a manlyest man contest untillnow you could only wonder but now there is this quiz in a few minutes you will find out?

Created by: mickey mouse
  1. Are you afraid of spiders?
  2. Have you ever drank from a milk jug.
  3. How do you like your steak?
  4. Do you lift weights?
  5. Do you watch football?
  6. Do you like hunting or fishing?
  7. Do have body hair?
  8. What job will you rather have?
  9. What animal will you rather keep as a pet?
  10. What food will you rahter have?

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Quiz topic: How manly am I?