How Mad Were You When The Quiz Creator Went Down?

So yeah.... Hmm Hmm... lol. Okay, check for more of my quizzes!So yeah.... Hmm Hmm... lol. Okay, check for more of my quizzes!So yeah.... Hmm Hmm... lol. Okay, check for more of my quizzes!So yeah.... Hmm Hmm... lol. Okay, check for more of my quizzes!

So yeah.... Hmm Hmm... lol. Okay, check for more of my quizzes!So yeah.... Hmm Hmm.... lol. Okay, check for more of my quizzes!So yeah.... Hmm Hmm... lol. Okay, check for more of my quizzes!So yeah.... Hmm Hmm... lol. Okay, check for more of my quizzes!

Created by: Gustauf
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Did You React when you couldn't create quizes anymore?
  2. When they extended the deadline for quiz creating, you...
  3. My Face...
  4. My Main though this week was about...
  5. When you thought of this week the word that popped into your head was...
  6. Which of the following was a quiz posted all week:
  7. What emoticon best described your personality this past week:
  8. After this past week, how would you rate the staff on a scale from 0-5, zero being the lowest.
  9. Pick One:
  10. Blisfaniger?

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