How Macedonian are you? Quiz

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Welcome to the ultimate Macedonian quiz! Forget DNA tests and heritage services, the only REAL way to find out how many Macedonia is in your blood is to test questions only Macedonians can answer.

There is always only one possible answer. Like baba always says, take your time and do not hurry. At the end you will see how much % you are Macedonian. Have fun!

Created by: Rabennarbe
  1. What is the essence of life?
  2. How satisfied are you about the last few governments in Macedonia?
  3. Do you like Greece?
  4. Do you go to holiday in the countries you most hate?
  5. What is the official name of Macedonia?
  6. Who is chasing you when you go out to the streets?
  7. What is your sexuality?
  8. take the train when you are in Macedonia
  9. What will happen when you park a car somewhere you should'nt
  10. What do you do before visiting friends, neighbours, family, etc?
  11. How could your family afford a villa on a private island and garage full of big cars?
  12. When was the modern Macedonia established?
  13. What do you prefer?
  14. What is your geopolitical standpoint?
  15. What is the best natural attraction around Skopje?
  16. Does Macedonia have beaches? (Not coast)
  17. How clean is your street
  18. Are you proud Macedonian?

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Quiz topic: How Macedonian am I? Quiz
