How Lucky Are You?

There are 10 coin flips. You must try to get them right I guess. This will rpove how lucky you are somehow idrk I just created this quiz for the heck of it

Read the other paragraph please who even looks at the second paragraph first I mean really? This is the definition of second monitor and you still read it.

Created by: Veronas
  1. Heads or Tails?
  2. Heads or Tails?
  3. Heads or Tails?
  4. Heads or Tails?
  5. Heads or Tails?
  6. Heads or Tails?
  7. Heads or Tails?
  8. Heads or Tails?
  9. Heads or tails?
  10. Heads or Tails?

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Quiz topic: How Lucky am I?
