How Lucky Are You?

Luck is an interesting topic! Some people are lucky, while others are not. One person may hit $50,000 dollars on a lottery ticket, while another person may spend $50,000 dollars on lottery tickets just trying to win a couple of dollars.

How lucky are you? Are you even lucky? Take this accurate quiz to find out whether you are lucky or unlucky. The results will be completely accurate! Make sure to answer the questions honestly!

Created by: PrettySprinkles

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which month were you born in?
  2. How often do you lose important belongings without finding them? (Such as a phone, money etc.....)
  3. When you buy a lottery ticket, do you usually win? (If so, how much?)
  4. How would you describe your social status?
  5. Have you ever found money? (If so, how much?)
  6. Pick a letter from the alphabet!
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Are you jealous of anybody?
  9. How do you feel about yourself?
  10. Are you rich?

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Quiz topic: How Lucky am I?