How Lucky Are You?

This quiz basically does exactly what it says it does, tells you how lucky you are. It's not the best quiz, but I tried and that's all I can really do. If you don't like my quiz, just say so politely in the comments. Just please don't be rude. Oh, and please no chain mail! Saying that is going to make you put chain mail in the comments isn't it?

So, as I said before, this quiz will tell you how lucky you are. Remember, this is online an online quiz, just because it says you're really a unlucky charm. Anyway, I wouldn't bother reading anymore of this so just take the quiz already! And enjoy!

Created by: Mystery888

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How often do you find money on the floor?
  2. When you drop something, how often do you catch it before it hits the floor?
  3. How often do you just avoid things? (like a ball hitting you in the face)
  4. Pick one.
  5. How often do you not get in trouble for doing something bad?
  6. Do you usually find things you've lost?
  7. How many times have you been called lucky?
  8. Do you wake up late lots?
  9. Do you think you're lucky?
  10. Well, thanks for taking my quiz. Bye! (This has no effect to your score by the way)

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Quiz topic: How Lucky am I?