How Long Would You Survive in a Horror Movie?

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Just when you're like, how long can I survive in this horror movie? You figure it out! THIS QUIZ IS 100% ACCURATE AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT READ A BOOK!!!

Anyway, some questions are VITAL TO THE QUIZ and some are just questions! SO DON'T WORRY I HOPE YOU GET LIKE THROUGH THE MOVIE! You can always do this quiz again!!!!

Created by: The acnh fan of Go here for some fun!
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  1. How old are you?
  2. What's the color of your hair?
  3. How do you kill a zombie?
  4. How many people are you with?
  5. What are you in the movie?
  6. You get hurt. Do you....
  7. Are you with an animal?
  8. If a girl tries to kill you, what do you do?
  9. How was this quiz?
  10. fhekjd

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