How Long Would You Survive in a Horror Movie? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Long Would You Survive in a Horror Movie?
haha! this was a great one!
i got 76% last one to die ok
todoweeb1 -
54%! Bloodloss?! THATS GONNA HURT! :))
SunnyDay1 -
89 yeahh i live ima surviver im gonna make it im a surviver keep on surviving
i juz rellie luv horror movies n horror moviez are one of my fav...i juz luv diz quizz bcoz diz iz all my type...and darkheartlove will u be ma frend?
i made it ya now i feel like killing zobies
lol, that's kinda funny, Nunuroqlotee... but i don't think i buy it lol :)
I'd die last? I Don't wanna die tho im TOOOO YOUNG IM ONLY 13
85% ^_^
yay 87%!!
k i was expecting more but i got 55% good enoug
Juana1 -
ima live half way in the movie SO i half strong UvU
61% at least i get to kill befor i die shoot ill be a maniac Lol
Rocboy31 -
yesss! i got 100% i will surive through the whole movie nice quiz
wow, 75%, wow.............!
93 % and they said i couldnt spit at a zombie
ghost1 -
yeah (: -
98% shweet!
justice1 -
awww i wanted to die first life aint fair
chech1 -
38%........ i guez that bad.
o COME ON!!!!!!!........ 37%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????!!!!!........ dat jis sum buos---!!!!!!!
74% XD yasss
Kalafina1 -
oops srry i meant to say i not i9 ...............