How long would you survive as a wolf?

A life of a wolf is very hard. And we will see if YOU can survive 1-2 years, to 16-17. And do not be afended by your answer. Everyone has a different persenality!

Soooo, what do you think? How many years will you live as a wolf? Well, you will soon find out. Now go and take this quiz! And leave a like or comment on my quiz and I will be sure to make more.

Created by: Dimension Jumper of What's your monster?
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your a new-born, your mom and dad had gotten killed by a bear. What do you do?
  2. You finally found food, and another new-born. What will you do.
  3. You are now 1 years old, you find a pack and want to join. The alfa wolf says no. What do you do?
  4. The alfa says that you can join, but you have to be a omega. You do not like it, but it is the most precious thing you own. What do you do.
  5. On a scale of 1 to 6, how will you rate the quiz?
  6. The alfa is being attacked!!!!!! What would you do?
  7. The alfa dies from a sickness, so you become the alfa. What would you do if another wolf attacked you?
  8. You are now 16 years old, how would you die?
  9. These last questions have nothing to do with the quiz. What is your ideal name?
  10. Will you PLEEEAAASE like or comment and tell me how much you enjoyed this test!

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