How long would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

There are people in this world that can survive. Can you? In order to win the uphill battle against zombies, you have to be mentally tough, and physically tough, will you survive? Or nawwwww

It is your decision to make it out alive. Stick together kill and fight to beat the disease, will you be the one who will lead? Or will you die like the rest? Time will tell. Take my quiz to find out if you will survive. It's ALL up to you!

Created by: FreeWhaleHannah
  1. When killing a zombie, where on the body would you attack?
  2. When Traveling, what would you use?
  3. When you HAVE NO CHOICE BUT to go through a horde what do you do?
  4. When killing a horde of zombies what would you do?
  5. What is the barrel of a gun?
  6. When given a choice, where would you hide?
  7. What would you eat and do when you're hungry?
  8. When given a choice what would you use to kill ONE zombie?
  9. If you were hiding in a house where would you hide?
  10. When you just saw your mom get bit, what would you do?

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