how long would you live in the walking dead

the walkers are feasting on the living, the world has gone to hell, you are the only one that can prove humanity is not gone yet. survive to live the tail or die and feast on the living. the choices you make will effect the person you are. " sometimes you got to play a role, even if the people you love hate you for it."

" Your'e either living or your not. you ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, your alive and that's all that matters."

Created by: christian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. the walking dead has started and you need to find a safe place, you go to,...
  2. you see a walker on the road to the place you are going but you have a pistol, you,...
  3. you find a weapon shop and it has guns and ammo, you take,...
  4. you see a couple of your friends and there walking, you,...
  5. you and your friends are walking when you find another weapon shop with only Malay weapons, you take,...
  6. one of your friends are bitten on the arm, you,...
  7. you see a women with a baby, she asks for your help, you,...
  8. you see a bus with fuel, your team wants to go and take it, you,...
  9. you see a map that says "safe zone", you,...
  10. your team takes over the wheel and strapped you too a chair and start driving too the safe zone, you,...
  11. you get away and run, you see a child and he is dying, you,...
  12. last question, you are walking and are tired, you sit down next to a tree and start to dream, you dream of your family and friend's before the apocalypse, you wake up and,...

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