How Long Will Your Relationship Last | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Long Will Your Relationship Last.
Your Result: For ever
You will get married very soon. Get ready for your wedding. you will get married in a garden. Very nice way for the happiest day in your life.(so far)
Your Result: 8 years
Very looooooooooooooong time, but still not as long as me. 9 years for me! You will be very happy but they will start to ignore you, you will not know if they still like you. So you will move on. (eventually)
Too me1 -
mine said forever so im pretty happy with that plus i love my boyfriend and dont know if im really ready to be without him ever lol :)
nejae1 -
Love this
bluestat1 -
8 years. well, better than I thought!
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