How long will you live?

How long will you live? I hope you live long! Keep in mind that if you get a low answer, you might live longer, and if you get a high answer, you might live shorter! This is just an estimate.

If you don't get the answer you want, take the quiz again! The most likely answer is 70-80 years! If you don't get the average, that's okay. Have fun!

Created by: laur8lemon
  1. Gender
  2. How often do you smoke?
  3. What is your diet?
  4. Do you have:
  5. On a scale of one to ten, how healthy do you feel everyday?
  6. when do you go to the doctor?
  7. how often do you exercise?
  8. do you have any medical conditions?
  9. are you obese/overweight?
  10. How do you drive?
  11. How often do you get into fights?
  12. Finally, how often are you stressed?
  13. Bonus: how are you feeling today? (the very bottom doesn't mess with the rating.)

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Quiz topic: How long will I live?
