how long will you live | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz how long will you live.

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  • Your Result: not sure

    your life is unpredictable. a lot of twists and turns that could lead to a full life, or a life cut short. think of what mistakes you could've made, and the right decisions you could've made

    just so people can see all the possible answers!!!!! ;}

    not telling ya
  • Your Result: old age

    you thought before you made your move. you lived to see your grandchildren have grandchildren. watching everyone you love, die. the choices you made, led you to more experience. youve broke the record!

    awsome thats what i thought i would get

    not telling ya
  • old age

    you thought before you made your move. you lived to see your grandchildren have grandchildren. watching everyone you love, die. the choices you made, led you to more experience. youve broke the record!

    yay!!!cute quiz!!~!

  • Your Result: young age

    you've had no experience. you haven't tooken care of your body at all. if you had another chance, start eating healthier. a little too much drugs. dont let people tell you what you need to do with your life

    Same as bellow!!! ;}

    not telling ya
  • will you take my quizs maximum ride..which one are you??? and avatar the last airbender under the name not tellin ya??? plz!!!! ;}

    not telling ya

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