how long will you last (girls)

There is a lot of people who say there going to last forever but few do.Love is a very strong word.What is love, love is the strongest kind of like. NO love is so much more

"How long will you last?" Do you guys love each other that much? Are you going to last a long time? Do you need to talk a bout your problems? util you take this quiz you wont know.

Created by: molly

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you talk to him/her everyday
  2. Do you see each other out of school
  3. Do you talk in school
  4. DO you feel comfortable around him
  5. do you think hes cheating on you
  6. does he remember your birthday
  7. Do you fight
  8. does him/her say i love you
  9. what gifts does he/her buy you
  10. do you see you guys together in the far future

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Quiz topic: How long will I last (girls)