How long have you known me?

uh so uh, yeah uh. I can is want, we can has can. we will. this is no afadkr. I am having a stroke. am I? waccidy blackidy? awawad owo. We is can now. yes.

DIS IS JUST AND ESTIMATE DON'T KILL ME IF I GOT IT WRONG IDEK ANYMORE!!! SCREEEEEEEE HELP ME PLEASE IDEK I SHALL MAKE IT UP TO YOU BY SINGING ALL STAR: somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me I aint the sharpest tool in the shed, she was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead-

Created by: Kaia
  1. What's the first server you joined from me
  2. What is the first oc I was when you met me
  3. what fandom was I in when I first met you
  4. What word did I say the most when I first met you?
  5. Does the word "War" Seem familiar?
  6. Best letter?
  7. what animal was my oc when we first met?
  8. yes
  9. what did I draw with when we first met?
  10. (Will not effect your answer) Did you like meh quiz? :>

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