How long could you survive a zombie invasion

Zombies are everybody's favorite things to shoot at, stab, and all around destroy, but how long would you survive against them? Find out here!!!!!!!!!!

This quiz tests the abilities of your choices towards Zombification and suicide!!!! Are you a true survivalist, or simply a COD nerd? Find out!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: george

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You turn on your TV, everyone is talking about a zombie apocalypse! What do you think?
  2. Turns out, the invasion is real! What is the first thing you do?
  3. describe where you live...
  4. Deciding you wish to survive, what weapons will you use?
  5. You've got weapons, where will you build your base?
  6. who is in your survival group?
  7. Now for the fun questions!... Your best friend is bitten and is starting to transform into a zombie
  8. whta vehicle would u use?
  9. Your crew is under attack, you can only save one person, who do you save?
  10. The zombies are attackiing your base, your crew looks to u for leadership, u....
  11. The Zombies are overrunning your base, what do you do?
  12. The Zombies have killed everyone, other than you... a survival plane comes, what do u do?

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