How lobster are you?

This quiz will tell you if you are a lobster or not. I know one lobster, and he has the same characteristics that all lobsters have. Answer the questions truthfully, and you will get the right result.

This is a fun quiz, and please don't be offended by your result. It is for your entertainment only, and please don't be untruthful. Now, have fun, enjoy!

Created by: Mooshroom9
  1. Do you want to be a Lobster?
  2. Do you get red from being in the sun for short amounts of time?
  3. What's your favourite drink?
  4. What would you rather do?
  5. Do you wear shorts often?
  6. Are you strict on privacy?
  7. Do you like kayaking?
  8. Do you like going to classic music concerts?
  9. Bananas?
  10. Wine?

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Quiz topic: How lobster am I?