How likely to do a lame quiz are you?

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There are so many quizzes appearing in people's Facebook statuses these days that, being easily led, I have created one myself designed to help you work out how likely you are to do one of these quizzes.

Do you click pretty much anything which is set in front of you, no matter how banal it appears? Are you drawn in to clicking in the mistaken belief that a quiz might give you genuine insight into your psyche? Find out!

Created by: Binky

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. A friend posts the results of an online quiz on a subject which interests you. Do you
  2. If given the choice, which of the following would you give to a cat?
  3. When brushing your teeth do you
  4. Which is your favourite spoon?
  5. Do eels dream
  6. Which is your favourite Jim Carrey film?
  7. When shopping for a new hat, what is most important?
  8. Can elves knit?
  9. Marmite is
  10. I am offended by

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Quiz topic: How likely to do a lame quiz am I?