How likely are you to survive the Hunger Games?

Almost everyone have heared about the Hunger Games. For those who not know the basic idea is the big "Competition" making most of the story. There are currently 4 or five books out, and the Hunger Games itself is not Everything.

Take this quiz for fun to find out how big chance YOU have to win the Hunger games! Remember that all questions will affect the answer. And, no, you don't have to be serious...

Created by: Cyber Dash
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you well condintioned?
  2. Have you ever trained/been doing physical training?
  3. What would you first do when the signal goes?
  4. What would be your strength when out there?
  5. You see a group of weaponed tributes. They're leaving their base a few meters from your hiding Place. What do you do? You're alone.
  6. You're in a battle and know you're loosing, unaware of that your opponent are thinking the same. What do yu do?
  7. At home, do you have acces to any kind of weapons/know how to handle them?
  8. If you would loose, what would be the reason?
  9. You're alone and dying...Your reaction at that moment?
  10. LAST ONE STANDING! Your reaction?

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Quiz topic: How likely am I to survive the Hunger Games?