How Likely Are You To Get Your Home Broken Into

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1. Majority of burglars are committed by males under the age of 25. 2. 85% of break ins are committed by non professionals who try to scope out easy targets. 3. The most common tools burglars will try to use are screwdrivers, pliers, pry bars and hammers. 4. 56% of burglars are white, 31% are Hispanic, 9% are African American. 5. 95% of burglars are male. 6. 50% of burglars live within 2 miles of the homes they invade. 7. 67% of burglars commit non-violent invasions and 67% don't carry any weapons. 8. The average burglar will commit their crime in less than 12 minutes. 9. Burglars have regular jobs too and they may have already entered your house when they were repairing your cable or delivering your last package. 10. Burglars who also work as service occupations often ask to use

Profile of a Burglar Posted July 25, 2014 by david We all know what burglars are, and it's fair to say that nobody wants them anywhere near their homes. However, many of us seem to overlook the fact that 50% of burglars live within a 2 mile radius of the homes they invade. You should also be aware that a burglar may have already stepped into your home at some point, either when they were repairing your toilet or delivering a package. In order to protect your home and more importantly, your family, check out our infographic to get the breakdown of what you should expect from your typical burglar. Profile Of A Burglar Share this infographic and improve home security! 1. Majority of burglars are committed by males under the age of 25. 2. 85% of break ins are committed by non professiona

Created by: Alisa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Majority of burglars are committed by males under the age of:
  2. 56% of burglars are:
  3. 50% of burglars live within _____ miles of the homes they invade.
  4. 1
  5. 2
  6. 3
  7. 4
  8. 5
  9. 6
  10. 7

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Quiz topic: How Likely am I To Get my Home Broken Into