how likely are you to die alone

this quiz tells you how likely you are to die alone.It's very simple.just answer all the questions honestly.well that's only if you want the truth if not then answer however you want.

i hope the outcome is a smack in the head to tell you to get over yourself already.this should change you drastically.i hope ya have fun with this....

Created by: sally of how likely are you to die alone
(your link here more info)
  1. are you afraid of commitment
  2. are you happy alone
  3. what is your relationship status
  4. how big is your ego
  5. have you ever been in a relationship
  6. how many relationships have you been in
  7. is honesty the best policy
  8. are you a very picky person
  9. do you want to die alone
  10. are you taking this quiz

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Quiz topic: How likely am I to die alone
