How likely are you to be my perfect match?

I'm sure there are many nice guys out there that share the same values as I do but I haven't found him yet. I'm a sucker for the idea of "soulmates" and I won't stop looking for Mr. Right.

Are you my perfect match? Do you have what it takes to make me happy? Take this quiz and see how likely we are to be compatible. I know exactly what I want and it could be you.

Created by: Lolli

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a job?
  2. Do you do drugs? Yes marijuana is a drug!
  3. In a relationship are you totally honest with your partner?
  4. Are you a mamma's boy?
  5. How much time do you like to spend with your partner?
  6. Do you like to flirt?
  7. Do you cheat?
  8. What is your sign?
  9. Do you want to get married someday?
  10. Are you good with money?
  11. How important is communication in a relationship?

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Quiz topic: How likely am I to be my perfect match?