how likable are you

There are many friendly people, but few true friends. Likeablity is, afterall, quite exceptional.ONe has to work very hard. What does it mean to be so accepting?

A likable person is someone who has an extraordinarily kind mind, and reaches out, makes friends. This does not come naturally though, nooooooo not unless yo-OMG ITS A KITTEN!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Adela Bauman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Its your fist day of high school you:
  2. A guy you don't like asks you out. You say:
  3. Somebody you don't know is your science partner the first thing you say to them is
  4. Are you a kitten
  5. Can I have some pie?
  6. That was all a test to see how you treat me.Finallly, will you be my friend?
  7. JK.Apperantly You need at least 12 questions.So, immmmmmmm.Do you eat at McDonalds?
  8. Your Math teacher goes up to you and asks you how your day is, you say:
  9. are you gone already?
  10. are you gone already?

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Quiz topic: How likable am I