How Lazy Are You?

So... You think you're lazy? There are many people out in the world that say they're lazy. Put your laziness to the test and prove it by answering the simple questions in THIS test!

Are YOU lazy? Prove your laziness by answering simple questions and see your scores it's as simple as that! P. S you can only take the test while being lazy!

Created by: Kayla
  1. How often do you go outside?
  2. Would you call yourself "In Shape?"
  3. How long is your normal amount of time on electronics each day?
  4. Have you ever slept in your clothes?
  5. Have you ever... Face Timed someone really close by Worn the same clothes 2 or more days in a row. Haven't showered in a week Stayed in bed all day Slept 12 or more hours.
  6. Are you in bed right now?
  7. Do you like being alone or with someone?
  8. Have you eaten a meal off a napkin?
  9. Are you constantly on YouTube? Do you know any of these? PewDiePie, ihasCupquake, Smosh, Fine Bros, and Tobuscus. Brofist for Pewds fans!
  10. Do you read a LOT? High Five if you've read Rick Riodan's books! Team Leo!!!
  11. We're almost done, any hobbies?
  12. Last question, What is exercising too you?

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Quiz topic: How Lazy am I?