How kool are u?

aLL OF THOSE OTHER QUIZES ARE COMPLETE LIES. oNLY THIS kOOLEST QUIZ GIVES YOU THE REAL results. You probably arn't as kool as me, but it's good to find out how kool you are. Hope you enjoy the quiz, because the results are true!

In a few minutes, you will find out how kool you are. Kool people are really Kool. Are you really cool? or are you a nerdy nerd that is called the smartest kid in class? Take this QUIZ.

Created by: horse&dogz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What UP!!!!!Doop-dee-doop!
  2. Are you a smarty smart smartical person?
  3. Do you play video games
  4. Do u drink energy drinks such as AMP or RED BULL?
  5. Do u like harry potter(Best book series EVER)!
  6. Who is the hufflepuff houseghost? HArry POtter!
  7. yo
  9. HI OR NOT
  10. Rubber pants! Do you like to wear rubber pants! WTF!
  11. what is the capitol of retrullyu?
  12. IF you are kool and how do you say,"bad to the bone," then do you where a doo rag?

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