how kidderminster are you

this quiz is a bit of fun if you score highly and well done there are not many genius about but clearly you are,all questions are true to my knowledge

do you think you can crack the quiz master the questions and become the top genius of the town,go on give it a go and try your luck and test your knowledge

Created by: bob
  1. sayings..if your mother said you will get a wallop,do they mean
  2. sayings..if you hear its looking black over bills mothers does it mean
  3. sport..whats the team badge at the harriers
  4. sport..which Kidderminster Olympian won 9 gold medals from 1988 and 2000 in there sport
  5. people ..what was the name of the famous singing road sweeper that keept our streets clean
  6. people..who was kevin keelan
  7. in the 2001 census what was the recorded population of kidderminater
  8. what is the town famous for
  9. if I said meet me by the swans where would you go
  10. the a456 would take you to
  11. whats the shortest road in kidderminster
  12. what was the name of the music shop in the swan centre

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Quiz topic: How kidderminster am I