How Jill are you?

How Jill Are You? Whether you've known Jill for a week, month, or year, I'm sure you know something about the legend herself. Take my quiz to find out exactly how Jill you are.

Are you Jill? Are you a legend? Do you stalk Sleaz? Do you own a horse named Liberty? Do you hate children? How similar are you to the one and only, Jill Mullen? Find out now!

Created by: Abbey
  1. Who is your number 1 bae?
  2. When should we take the test?
  3. Which of these do you say most often?
  4. You get arrested, what for?
  5. What one word describes you best?
  6. Where do you spend the majority of your time?
  7. What is your biggest accomplishment in life?
  8. What do you hate most?
  9. What is your biggest fear?
  10. Who is your favorite baseball player?

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Quiz topic: How Jill am I?