how is your mental health ?

how mentaly helthy are you. ever wondered how happy with life you are. if your suicidle, depresed or happy with the way things are. are you sure positive that your lifestyle wont lead to you becoming can find out here using this quiz.

how mentaly helthy are you. ever wondered how happy with life you are. if your suicidle, depresed or happy with the way things are. are you realy happy ? are you sure positive that your lifestyle wont lead to you becoming may never know But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out.

Created by: jason
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. a group of friends go out but dont ask you to go with them. you are ?
  2. your best freind has decided to move on make new freinds. you ?
  3. you are rejected by a girl/guy you realy like.
  4. you get dumped by your girlfriend/boyfriend but you dont know why !
  5. when you get home from school/college/work you
  6. how do you feel about your apperance ?
  7. you are upset about something. you
  8. hoe is your relationship with your friends
  9. how is your reltionship with your family
  10. how is your social life ?
  11. how is your love life ?
  12. you are ?

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Quiz topic: How is my mental health ?