How Introverted Are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Introverted Are You?

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  • You are 69% introverted. 69%

    You are a slight introvert. You mostly like just being by yourself, but occasionally you want to hangout with others.

    Yup, that sounds exactly like me. I hate going to social events. I go to a girls school, and we have optional socials with they boys school. Needless to say, I never go. If I speak to someone on the phone, I never know what to say. I love hanging out with my real friends. Dates? Movie, dinner at a modest place or stay at home. I hate going out anywhere fancy on dates. Actually, my boyfriend took me ice-skating once, which was fun...

    Anyway! Great quiz! 10*

  • Whoever made this quiz is obviously extroverted.


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