How Into You Is He Really?

Sometimes you just can't tell where you stand with a guy, they can be so confusing! Friends are always good with advice, but sometimes they can be a little biased.

Does he really like you? Maybe he just needs a wake up call to realise what you mean to him.Or...maybe he is using you to boost his own ego. Take this quiz, and you might get some insight!

Created by: katie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. On average, he calls or texts you...
  2. When he sees you out and about....
  3. Its Your Birthday. He ...
  4. When he talks to your friends he tells them...
  5. He talks to you most often when...
  6. You see him when he's with a group of his mates. He....
  7. Whenever you see him with other girls he is....
  8. You get all hotted up for a night on the town. When you see him he...
  9. Your friends tell you...
  10. You ask him to go to a family get together.He tells you...

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